From Challenges to Solutions: The Evolution of Treatment at Cumberland Heights
- Provide an overview of Cumberland Heights and the treatment
- Discuss challenges experiences across treatment centers across TN and at Cumberland Heights
- Discuss adaptations made by Cumberland Heights to address issues
- Share future research and collaboration opportunities
Susan Park’s CV
Susan Park, Ph.D. is a Research Associate at Cumberland Height and oversees a recently awarded grant by the Tennessee Opioid Abatement Council. She is a women’s health epidemiologist with a primary focus in pregnancy and physical activity measurement.
2024 PhD in Epidemiology
University of Massachusetts, School of Public Health and Health Sciences
Dissertation title: Development and Validation of the Updated Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire
Minors in Biostatistics and Physical Activity
Advisor: Lisa Chasan-Taber, Sc.D.
2018 Master of Science in Kinesiology
University of Tennessee, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Thesis title: Validity of Step Counting Methods over One Day in a Free-Living Environment
Advisor: David R. Bassett, Jr, Ph.D.
2016 Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
University of Tennessee, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Cumberland Heights Foundation
Research Associate 07/2024 – Current
University of Massachusetts, School of Public Health and Health Sciences
Supervisor: Lisa Chasan-Taber (
Project Manager 08/2022 – 02/2024
Hours Per Week: 10 hours
NIH/NICHD 1R01HD106108: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in At-Risk Hispanic Women following Pregnancy Outcomes
▪ Develop study materials (REDCap, study protocol, training manual)
▪ Liaison with clinical sites and supervise off-site health interviewer
▪ Assist with IRB submission
▪ Conduct data management and cleaning
▪ Assist with financial operations
▪ Process data from activity monitors
Project Manager 08/2018 – 05/2021
Hours Per Week: 20 hours S. Park 2
NIH/NICHD 1R21HD094565: Update and Novel Validation of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ)
▪ Developed study materials (REDCap, study protocol, participant materials
, and training manuals)
▪ Conducted participant assessments
▪ Supervised health interviewers
Graduate Research Assistant 01/2023 – 05/2023
Hours Per Week: 10 hours
5R01HL157166-02: InSpace (Are Interventions Supporting Physical Activity Modified by the Environment)
▪ Conduct data management
Graduate Research Assistant 08/2018 – 05/2022
Hours Per Week: 20 hours
NIH/NIDDK 1R01DK097011: Randomized Lifestyle Intervention in Overweight and Obese Pregnant Hispanic Women
▪ Conducted data analysis and data management
▪ Created and edited figures, tables, and graphs for publication
Graduate Research Assistant 08/2018 – 05/2020
Hours Per Week: 20 hours
NIH/NIDDK 2R01DK064902: Randomized Trial of a Postpartum Diabetes Prevention Program for Hispanic Women
▪ Conduct data analysis and data management
▪ Created and edited figures, tables, and graphs for publication
University of Tennessee, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Supervisor: David Bassett, Jr. (
Graduate Research Assistant 08/2016 – 05/2018
Hours Per Week: 20 hours
▪ Conducted data management and cleaning
▪ Created and edited figures, tables, and graphs for publication
University of Massachusetts, School of Public Health and Health Sciences
Supervisor: Gloria DiFulvio (
Tutor, University Without Walls MPH in Public Health Practice
Hours Per Week: 10 hours 01/2023 – 05/2023
MPH Courses Tutored:
▪ UWW EPI 630 Principles of Epidemiology
▪ UWW Biostats 540 Introduction to Biostatistics
▪ UWW HPP 624 Research Methods
S. Park 3
Graduate Teaching Associate
Hours Per Week: 25 hours 01/2022 – 05/2022
Course Taught: PUBHLTH 494CI: Public Health Sciences Capstone
▪ Sole instructor for the course
▪ Created lesson plans, course assessments, slides
▪ Conducted weekly office hours
▪ Prepared students to formally present in the Annual Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Hours Per Week: 10 hours 08/2018 – 12/2021
Courses: PUBHLTH 224: Epidemiology in Public Health, PUBHLTH 200: Introduction to Public Health
▪ Created lesson plans, course assessments, and slides for small group discussion
▪ Conducted weekly office hours
University of Tennessee, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Hours Per Week: 10 hours 08/2017 – 12/2017
Course: KNS 480: Physiology of Exercise
▪ Taught laboratory lessons to accompany the lecture course. Created lesson plans, course assessments, and slides for small group discussion
▪ Conducted weekly office hours
2023 Biostatistics and Epidemiology Summer Dissertation Completion Fellowship. School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
2022 Dean’s Summer Dissertation Completion Fellowship Award. School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2022 Dissertation Award, Center for Research on Families, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
2020 SER Conference Scholarship. Society for Epidemiologic Research
2020 Fellow, Graduate Grant Writing Program, Center for Research on Families, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
- Competitive selection to 9-month program dedicated submission of a predoctoral grant application (NIH-F31).
2017 Viewer’s Choice Award. Poster Title: Sources of Error with Wearable Step Counters. College of Education, Health and Human Sciences 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Colloquium; University of Tennessee
- Toth, L., Paluch, A., Bassett, D., Rees-Punia, E., Eberl, E., Park, S., Evenson., Comparative Analysis of ActiGraph Step Counting Methods: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2023.
- Chasan-Taber, L, Park, S., Marcotte, R., Staudenmayer, J., Strath, S., Freedson, P. Update and Novel Validation of a Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2023.
- Park, S., Marcotte, R., Staudenmayer, J., Strath, S., Freedson, P., Chasan-Taber, L. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and sedentary behavior during pregnancy: a prospective study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2022.
- Park, S., Marcotte, R., Toth, L., Lauricella, L., Paulus, P., Kim, A., Springer, C., Crouter, S., Staudenmeyer, J., Bassett, D. Free-living validation and harmonization of 10 Wearable Monitors. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2021. https://doi:10.1249/TJX.0000000000000172
- Park S., Toth L., Crouter, S., Springer C., Marcotte, R., Bassett D. Effect of Monitor Placement on the Daily Step Counts of Wrist and Hip Activity Monitors. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2020.
- Park S., Toth L., Hibbing, P., Kaplan, A., Feyerabend, M., Crouter, S., Springer C., Bassett D. Dominant vs Non-Dominant Wrist Placement of Activity Monitors: Impact on Steps Per Day. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2019.
- Toth L., Park S., Pittman, W., Sarisaltik, D., Hibbing, P., Morton, A., Springer C., Crouter, S., Bassett D. Effects of Brief Intermittent Walking Bouts on Step Count Accuracy of Wearable Devices. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2019.
- Toth L., Park S., Feyerabend, M., Steeves, J., Springer C., Bassett D. Video-Recorded Validation of Wearable Step Counters under Free-living Conditions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2018.
- Toth L., Park S., Pittman, W., Sarisaltik, D., Hibbing P., Morton A., Springer., Crouter S., Bassett., D. Validity of Activity Tracker Step Counts during Walking, Running, and Activities of Daily Living. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2018; 3 (7):52-9.
- Toth L., Park S., Bassett D. Response. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2018; 50(10):2181.
- Toth L., Bassett D., Crouter S., Overstreet B., LaMunion S., Park S., Notta S., Springer C. StepWatch Accuracy during Walking, Running, and Intermittent Activities. Gait and Posture. 2017; 52:165-70.
- Park S, Marcotte R, Staudenmayer JW, Strath SJ, Freedson PS, Chasan-Taber L. Validity of the Short-Form Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire [American Journal of Epidemiology].
- Park S, Staudenmayer JW, Strath SJ, Freedson PS, Chasan-Taber L. Wearable Cameras to Assess Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Pregnancy – Implications for Research. [to be submitted to Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour].
- Park S, VanKim N, Pekow P, Sirard J, Marcus BH, Pekow P, Rosal M, Chasan-Taber L. The Impact of a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Lifestyle Intervention on Postpartum Physical Activity among At-Risk Hispanic Women; Proyecto Mamá.
S. Park 5
- Park S, VanKim N, Pekow P, Sirard J, Marcus BH, Pekow P, Rosal M, Braun B, Solomon S, Manson JE, Chasan-Taber L: The Association between Physical Activity in Pregnancy and Glucose Tolerance Levels; Estudio Parto.
- Palnati M, Park S, VanKim N, Pekow P, Sirard J, Marcus BH, Pekow P, Rosal M, , Schoen C, Moore Simas T, Chasan-Taber L: The Impact of a Lifestyle Intervention on Birth Outcomes among At-Risk Hispanic Women.
- Paluch, A., Toth, L., Evenson., Rees-Punia, E., Eberl, E., Park, S., Bassett, D., Comparative Analysis of Step Counting Methods: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. [to be submitted to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise].
National and International
- Marcotte, R., Park, S., Staudenmayer, J., Paluch, A., Sirard, J. Estimating Relative Intensity of Free-Living Behaviors using Wearable Accelerometers [Thematic Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2023: Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Park, S., Marcotte, R., Staudenmayer, J., Strath, S., Freedson, P., Chasan-Taber, L. Impact Of COVID-19 On Domains of Physical Activity in Pregnant Women [Thematic Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2022: San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Marcotte, R., Park, S., Staudenmayer, J., Paluch, A., Sirard, J., Estimating relative intensity of free-living behaviors using wearable accelerometers [Poster Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2022: Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Park, S., Staudenmayer, J., Marcotte, R., Strath, S., Freedson, P., Chasan-Taber, L. Impact of COVID-19 on objective measures of physical activity in pregnant women [Poster Presentation]. Annual Meeting 2021: Society for Epidemiologic Research.
- Park, S., Marcotte, R., Toth, Paulus, P., Lauricella, L., Kim, A., Crouter, S., Springer, C., L., Staudenmayer, J., Bassett, D. Free-Living Validation and Harmonization of 10 Wearable Step-Count Monitors [Poster Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2021. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Park, S., Staudenmayer, J., Marcotte, R., Strath, S., Freedson, P., Chasan-Taber, L. Impact of COVID-19 on Objective Measures of Physical Activity in Pregnant Women [Poster Presentation]. Annual Meeting 2021. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research.
- Park, S., Toth, L., Hibbing, P., Kaplan, A., Feyerabend, M., Springer, C., Crouter, S., Bassett, D. Dominant Vs Non-Dominant Wrist: A Comparison of Steps Per Day [Poster Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2018: Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Park S., Toth L., Morton A., Pittman W., Sarasaltik D., Bassett D. Sources of Error with Wearable Step Counters [Poster Presentation]. American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting 2017: Denver, CO. American College of Sports Medicine. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
- Toth L., Hibbing P., Park S., Morton A., Pittman W., Sarasaltik D., Kaplan A., Crouter A., Bassett D. Criterion Validity of Consumer and Research Grade Activity Monitors During Brief, Intermittent Walking [Oral Presentation]. International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement 2017: Bethesda, MD.
S. Park 6
- Kaplan A., Toth L., Hibbing P., Morton A., Park, S., Pittman W., Sarasaltik D., Bassett D., Crouter S. Sources of Error for Wearable Step Counters [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement 2017: Bethesda, MD.
- Park, S., Marcotte, R., Staudenmayer, J., Strath, S., Freedson, P., Chasan-Taber, L. Impact of COVID-19 on Objective Measures of Physical Activity in Pregnant Women [Poster Presentation]. SPHHS Research Day 2021. University of Massachusetts-Amherst: Public Health and Health Sciences.
- Park, S., Toth, L., Hibbing, P., Kaplan, A., Feyerabend, M., Springer, C., Crouter, S., Bassett, Dominant vs. non-dominant wrist: A comparison of steps per day [Oral Presentation]. Third Annual Women in STEM Research Symposium 2018. University of Tennessee.
- Park S., Toth L., Morton A., Pittman W., Sarasaltik D., Bassett D. Sources of Error with Wearable Step Counters [Oral Presentation]. Second Annual Women in STEM Research Symposium 2017. University of Tennessee.
- Park S., Toth L., Morton A., Pittman W., Sarasaltik D., Bassett D al Presentation: Sources of Error with Wearable Step Counters [Thematic Presentation]. Graduate Student Presentation: Dean’s Board of Advisors. 2017. University of Tennessee.
2020 – 2022 Biostatics and Epidemiology Student Action Group (BESAG)
▪ Member
2019-2020 Graduate Student Senate, University of Massachusetts Amherst
▪ Senator for the School of Public Health and Health Sciences
2019-2020 Graduate Student Epidemiology Group, University of Massachusetts Amherst
▪ Leadership Board
2020 Covid-19 Academic Health Department Collaborative
▪ Team Leader, Town of Dennis, MA
2020 – 2022 Biostatics and Epidemiology Student Action Group (BESAG)
▪ Member
Proficiency with SAS, R, REDCap, Microsoft Office Suite
Systems and Devices: ActiLife, activPAL, StepWatch
Spring 2020 Specific Aims Workshop, Center for Research on Families, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Spring 2017 Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop, Office of Research and Engagement, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Society for Epidemiologic Research
- American College of Sports Medicine – National and Local Chapters
S. Park 7
- International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
2022 University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Community Health Equity
▪ Instructor (Epidemiology)
2019 – 2021 Biostatics and Epidemiology Student Action Group (BESAG)
▪ Member
2020 COVID-19 Academic Health Department Collaborative
▪ Volunteer
2019 Amherst Survival Center Food Drive
▪ Public Health Week Volunteer
2018 University of Tennessee Kids U Junior Leadership Institute
▪ Laboratory Instructor
2016 – 2018 Kids Can Bike
▪ Volunteer
2017 – 2018 Kids Zoo Run, Covenant Health
▪ Volunteer