Current trends in Safety Sensitive Occupation Worker Monitoring
Description: The Physician Health Program model is one of, if not the most successful model for documented long-term recovery and sobriety. The requirements for good treatment, long-term monitoring with accountability and confidentiality are the keystones to the success of the program model. This talk will discuss the history of the program model and discuss the many hazards healthcare providers face during their careers, including addiction. And, how those hazards are mitigated.
- Summarize the history of the physician health movement in the United States
- Describe the physician health program (PHP) model and success.
- Discuss how the PHP model lends itself to access to mental health care
Curriculum Vitae Michael John Baron, MD, MPH
1981 BA Chemistry, Emory College of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
1986 MD Tulane University, School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana
1986 MPH Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, New Orleans
7/1/86-6/30/87 Internship
Department of Internal Medicine
Tulane University, School of Medicine,
Affiliated Hospitals, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana
7/1/87-6/30/89 Residency – Anesthesiology
Department of Anesthesiology
Washington University School of Medicine,
Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. Chairman: Dr. W.D. Owens
7/1/89-6/30/90 Chief Resident, Department of Anesthesiology
Washington University School of Medicine
Bares Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri
9/1/89-6/30/90 Pediatric Fellowship Tract, Pediatric Anesthesiology
St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri
7/1/00-6/30/03 Residency – Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee
7/1/01-6/30/03 Chief Resident, Department of Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee
Professional Employment: Psychiatrist
2003- 2014 Middle Tennessee Psychiatric Clinic
2011 Ashwood Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
2011- 2016 Medical Director
Senior Care Program – Intensive Outpatient Program
St. Thomas Hickman Hospital, Centerville, Tennessee
2013- 2014 Director of Behavioral Health
2014- 2016 Medical Director
The Ranch
6107 Pinewood Road
Nunnelly, Tennessee 37137
2013 – 2023 Psychiatrist (Voluntary)
2018 – 5/2023 Medical Director (Voluntary)
DC4 – Davidson County Drug Court
Honorable Jennifer Smith
1406 County Hospital Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37218
2007 – Present Course Instructor
Over Prescribing Course
Center for Professional Health
Department of Internal Medicine
Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine
Resigned (Board of Medical Examiners Rules) from 2010 -2016
2022 – Present Medical Director (Voluntary)
Women’s Residential Recovery Court 1210 Foster Ave, Nashville, TN 37210
2017 – Present Medical Director
Tennessee Medical Foundation – Physician Health Program
5141 Virginia Way, Suite 110 Brentwood, TN 37027
Faculty Appointments:
2003 – Present Clinical Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Nashville, Tennessee
Medical Licensure:
1986 Louisiana 018736 Active
1987 Missouri # R6G18 Active
1991 Tennessee 21339 Active
Appointments: Tennessee – Department of Health
2010- 2015 Board Member (5-year appointment by Governor Bredesen)
2015- 2017 Board Member (5-year re-appointment by Governor Haslam)
Board of Medical Examiners
Department of Health, Tennessee
Resigned 1/31/17 to become Medical Director of TMF
2011- 2012 Committee to Develop Emergency Rules for Pain Clinic Registration
Department of Health, Tennessee
2014-2015 Committee to Develop Rules for Collaborative Pharmacy Practice Agreement
Department of Health, Tennessee
2011- 2012 Committee Member
2013- 2017 Chair – Controlled Substance Monitoring Database Committee
Board of Pharmacy
Department of Health, Tennessee Resigned 1/31/17 to become Medical Director of TMF.
2013-2023 Chronic Pain Guidelines, Steering Committee
Department of Health, Tennessee
2017-Present Committee to write Buprenorphine Treatment Guidelines
Department of Mental Health, Tennessee
Federation of State Physician Health Programs:
2018-2022 Southeast Representative to Board of Directors
2019- Present Chair: Ethics Committee
2018- Present Chair: Evaluation and Treatment Accreditation Committee (FSPHP-ETA)
5/2022 – 5/2024 President Elect
5/2024 – Present President
Federation of State Medical Boards: Policy Development
2017-2020 Workgroup for Policy on Physician Sexual Misconduct
2019-2021 Workgroup for Policy on Physician Illness and Impairment: Towards a Model that Optimizes Patient Safety and Physician Health
Tennessee Society of Addiction Medicine
State Chapter of American Society of Addiction Medicine
2003 – Present Member
4/08 – 12/10 Vice President
01/11 – 1/13 President
Active Memberships:
Tennessee Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association
Tennessee Society of Addiction Medicine
American Society of Addiction Medicine
American Medical Association
Nashville & Davidson County, Academy of Medicine
Tennessee Medical Association
Distinguished Fellow:
2010- Present American Society of Addiction Medicine
2022- Present American Psychiatric Association
3/7/2017 Commissioner’s Award for Exceptional Service to Population Health
Presented by Commissioner of Health, Dr. John Dreyzehener, Tennessee
5/24/2017 Exemplary Leadership to the Board of Medical Examiners and Dedicated service to the People of Tennessee. Presented by the President of the Board of Medical Examiners
Board Certifications:
1993 American Board of Anesthesiology (ABMS) Certificate # 21863
04/2005- 2015 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABMS) Certificate # 54641 02/2015- 2025 Maintenance of Certification (ABMS) Certificate # 54641
12/2006- 2016 American Society of Addiction Medicine Certificate # 599868
03/2009- 2016 American Board of Addiction Medicine Certificate # 873 11/2014- 2026 Maintenance of Certification (ABAM) Certificate # 873
Media Presentations:
4/06- 4/08 “Dr. Mike”- weekly guest host on The Carl P. Mayfield radio show. A call in show for medical, mental health questions. Sirius Satellite.
01/2013 Petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change labeling for Opioid Analgesics. 8 minute Presentation.
1/15/2015 Guest on HER Radio Show on the RadioMD network. “Lipstick and Liquor: The Hidden Epidemic of Women Who Drink.
Advisory Boards:
2020 – Present Nashville Recovery Court Support Foundation
1300 Division Street, Suite 209
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
9/4/2020-Present Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program Commission -Appointment by the Supreme Court of Tennessee
Invited National Presentations 2023- Present
5/5/2023 A Proven Outreach and Prevention Tool for PHPs: AFSP’s Interactive Screening Program. Minneapolis, MN
5/6/2023 State Medical Boards and PHPs: Aligned to Support Physician Wellness and
Protect the Public, FSMB Annual Meeting
5/6/2023 Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in Safety Sensitive Workers- A Panel
Approach Utilizing Audience Response System, FSPHP Annual Meeting
9/9/2023 Current trends in Safety Sensitive Monitoring and Programing, PRN 2023 Annual Conference, Amelia Island
10/6/2023 Pain & Addiction Treatment – Best Practices, Appalachian Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse Conference, Morgantown, WVA
10/12/2023 Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Care for Physicians with a Free Anonymous Online Resource Utilizing the AFSP’s Interactive Screening Program. Poster at AMA’s American Conference on Physician Health
4/17/2024 Administrators in Medicine, History of the PHP, FSMB Annual Meeting
4/18/2024 You are the New PHP Medical/Clinical Director: A Workshop for the Newly Hired, FSPHP Annual Meeting
4/19/2024 Both Sides of the Podium: FSMB Annual Meeting
4/20/2024 Working in Harmony to Ensure a Healthy Workforce, FSMB – FSPHP Combined Session.
6/11/2024 2024 Addictions Update: Science, Policy & Treatment, University of Utah, Elephant in the Room: Stigma & Its Impact in Clinical Care
6/11/2024 2024 Addictions Update: Science, Policy & Treatment, University of Utah, Hidden Cracks in the Façade: Unearthing Professional Impairment
Invited In-State Lectures: Available upon request:
2023: The ASAM Criteria, 4th Edition, Persons in Safety-Sensitive Occupations. Paul Earley, MD, Michael Baron, MD, MPH, Alexis Polles. MD.
2023: Fitness for Duty: Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Dr. Michael Baron, Dr. Reid Finlayson, Dr. Ciaran Considine
Dumont, A.E., Martelli, A.B., Lliescu, H., Baron, M.J.: Spontaneous reconstruction of the mammalian intestinal tract following complete transection. Proceedings of the society for
Experimental Biology and Medicine. 164; 545-549, 1980.
Parker, R.K., Baron, M.J., Helfer, D.L., Berberich, N., White, P.F.: Epidural PCA: Effect of a
continuous (Basal) infusion on the postoperative opioid requirement. International Anesthesia Research Society. Anesth Analg. 70; S296, 1990.
Parker, R.K., Baron, M.J., Helfer, D.L., Berberich, N., White, P.F.: Use of epidural PCA for postoperative pain management; Effect of local anesthetic on the opioid requirement. International Anesthesia Research Society. Anesth Analg. 70; S297, 1990.
Baron, M.J., Gunter, J.B., White, P.F.: Is the Hematocrit needed prior to outpatient pediatric surgery? International Anesthesia Research Society. Anesth Analg. 72; S12, 1991.
Baron, M.J., Gunter, J.B., White, P.F.: Is the Pediatric Hematocrit Determination Necessary? Southern Medical Journal. 85 (12); 1187-1189, 1992.
Baron, M.J., Watson, S.P., Paidipalli, B.R.: A survey of NPO Guidelines at North American Children’s Hospitals. International Anesthesia Research Society. Anesth Analg. 76; S11, 1993.
Baron, M.J.: Child abuse by negligence (An editorial about TennCare). The Commercial Appeal. Sunday, January 9, 1994.
Baron, M.J., Milby, M., Watson, S.P., Lazar, R.E.: Propofol VS Halothane: A Comparison of Postoperative recovery in Children. American Academy of Peds, Poster. Spring Session 1994.
Baron, M.J., Ragon, J.: The APL Valve as a pressure-Cycle Ventilator During Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Correction of Congenital Heart Disease. International Anesthesia Research Society. Letter to the Editor, Anesth Analg. 79; 197, 1994.
Smoot, E.C., Baron, M.J.: Latex Allergy Anaphylaxis in a Spina Bifida Patient with a Pressure Ulcer. Advances in Wound Care: The Journal for Prevention and Healing. 8 (5); 33-39, 1995.
Lee, R.K., Baron, M.J.: Efficacy of Aprotinin in Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Abstract 119E, 1996.
Baron, M.J., et al: The Safety of Epidurals Placed During General Anesthesia: Editorial. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 23(5); 433-438, 1998.
Baron, M.J., McDonald, P.W.: Significant Pain Reduction in Chronic Pain Patients After Detoxification From High-Dose Opioids. Journal of Opioid Management. 2(5); 277-282, 2006.
Baron, MJ: Physician Burnout, 4-part series about the signs, symptoms and treatments for Physician Burnout Syndrome, SVMIC Sentinel, 1/2018, 4/2018, 7/2018, 10/2018.
Baron, MJ: Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction, Another Trip Down the Rabbit
Hole. Tennessee Medicine, Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association, Vol. 111, No 3, 2018.
Baron, MJ: Risk Factors and Fears that Contribute to Physician Suicide. Tennessee Medicine, Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association, Vol. 111, No 3, 2018.
Baron, MJ: Medical Marijuana: Therapy or an Oxymoron. Tennessee Medicine, Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association, Vol. 112, No 1, 2019.
Baron, MJ: Controlled Substances, Substance Use Disorders and Prescriptions, Tennessee Dental Association News, Volume 27, Issue 4, July 2021
Baron, MJ: Physician Sexual Misconduct: A Quick, Sure Way to Lose Your License: Topline, Tennessee Medical Association, Issue 10, July/ August 2021
Baron, MJ., et al: Federation of State Physician Health Programs’ Response to Helping the Helpers: J Addict Med, 10/2022.
Baron, MJ: Risk Factors and Fears that Contribute to Physician Suicide. Topline, Tennessee Medical Association, Issue 26, 2024.