Health services and public health responses to the OUD crisis.
Innovation in the delivery of substance use disorder treatment is critical to address the addiction epidemic, recently exacerbated and complicated by COVID-19 disruptions and social isolation. In the US, between 2-8 million individuals are estimated to have opioid use disorder (OUD), however only 20% receive treatment in a given year. While burdensome to most individuals, families, and healthcare settings, the COVID-19 pandemic also created a novel regulatory landscape for scaling access to evidence-based care through virtual platforms. Unlike requirements for in-person care, telehealth enables patients to access care that may not be available locally and attend visits less interruption and more discretion, decreasing stigma. Expanding access to medication-based care and improving treatment retention is vital to address the worsening opioid overdose crisis. Technology-enabled telehealth platforms may be important tools for increasing both access, retention and patient satisfaction with evidence-based OUD care.
- Describe the epidemiology of OUD in the US and elements of the addiction treatment gap
- Identify the two treatment interventions for OUD with the greatest evidence to reduce mortality
- Outline components of telehealth based strategies for expanding access to MOUD
A. Robin Williams, CV
Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry with a decade of experience analyzing observational data including EHR, insurance claims, and epidemiological reports. He has been funded by NIDA (K23 2017, R21 2018, R01 2022, R01 2023) for work which addresses the addiction treatment gap and systems-based practice to improve quality of care for the treatment of opioid use disorder through the development of an OUD Cascade of Care public health framework. He is also currently funded by the CDC, NIDA CTN and SAMHSA to respond to the opioid crisis regrading local surveillance and linkage to care efforts, post-COVID methadone regulatory changes and outcomes, and clinical decision support tool development to assist state agency and health system efforts to respond to the opioid crisis through data management. His work on the OUD Cascade has been invited as expert testimony to the NIH HEAL Initiative twice, NIH HEAL JCOIN, NIDA CTN, APA, and SAMHSA CSAT. For this work, he was awarded the American Psychiatry Association (APA) Health Services Researcher of the Year, Early Career Scholar (2019) and appointed to the APA Committee on Quality and Performance Measurement (2021). He also recently served as an expert consultant to the National Quality Forum (2021-2022) for quality measure development for OUD. He is also the physician co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Ophelia Health Inc, a telehealth company for the treatment of OUD.
08/2005 – 05/2010 University of Pennsylvania Perelman Sch. Of Med. Philadelphia, PA
MD, May 2010
01/2007 – 05/2008 University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics Philadelphia, PA
MBE, May 2008
09/2000 – 05/2004 Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School Princeton, NJ
BA, May 2004
Post Doctoral Training
07/2014- 7/2017 Columbia University Department of Psychiatry New York, NY
NIDA T32 Research Fellowship, Div. Substance Use Disorders
07/2014 – 06/2016 Columbia University Department of Psychiatry New York, NY
Addiction Psychiatry (ACGME), Div. Substance Use Disorders
07/2010 – 06/2014 NYU Department of Psychiatry/Bellevue Hospital New York, NY
Internship and Residency
Explanation of Gap from 05/2004-08/2005
After college I received a one-year public service fellowship, the Reach Out ’56 Foundation Fellowship via Princeton University’s Class of 1956, to create a photo-documentary nationwide on addiction and drug policy which displayed at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Licensure and Board Certification
2022- Georgia medical license #93613
2022- Arizona medical license #68047
2022- New Hampshire board of medicine license #23330
2022- Montana medical license #MED-PHYS-COM-LIC-116464
2022- Minnesota medical license #72690
2022- Vermont medical license #042.0016521
2022- Maine medical license #MD26535
2022- Iowa medical license #MD-50643
2022- Washington medical license #61367484
2022- Mississippi medical license #30681
2022- Oklahoma medical license #40297
2022- Wisconsin medical license #2271-320
2022- Nevada medical license #22732
2022- Illinois medical license #036162255
2022- Kentucky medical license #C0967
2022- Michigan medical license #EMC0002384
2022- Wyoming medical license #15014C
2022- Utah medical license #13004916-1205
2022- Kansas medical license #04-46722
2022- Idaho medical license #MC-1618
2022- Nebraska medical license #35027
2022- West Virginia medical license #31708
2022- North Dakota medical license #18948
2022- Colorado medical license #CDR.0002060
2022- Oregon medical license #MD206768
2022- Delaware medical license #C1-0024636
2022- Hawaii medical license #MD-22203
2022- Louisiana medical license #329870
2022- Indiana medical license #01087055A
2021- Texas medical license #T4482
2021- Alaska medical license #180907
2021- Virginia medical license #0101273571
2021- New Jersey medical license #25MA11301500
2021- Massachusetts medical license #290396
2021- New Mexico medical license #MD2021-0982
2021- Arkansas medical license #E-14836
2021- Missouri medical license #2021041186
2021- Washington D.C. medical license #MD210001512
2021- North Carolina medical license #2021-02978
2021- South Carolina permanent medical license #86751
2021- Rhode Island Department of Health, medical license #MD18042
2021- California Board of Physicians and Surgeons medical license #A 174329
2021- Maryland Board of Physicians medical license #D92215
2021- Ohio Doctor of Medicine License #35.142706
2021- Connecticut Physician/Surgeon License #68712
2021- Florida DOH Board of Medicine License: #ME150075
2020- Pennsylvania Board of Medical Physicians and Surgeons License: #MD472288
2016- Addiction Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN)
2014- General Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN)
2012- Buprenorphine X-Waiver, SAMHSA and DEA
2012- DEA License, New York State
2011- New York State Board of Physicians and Surgeons License: #NY262149
2010- National Provider Identification (NPI) Number: 1063739985
Honors and Awards
2019 APA Health Services Research Award – Early Career Scholar
2015 ISAM NIDA National Travel Award (to present in the United Kingdom)
2013 AAAP Resident Travel Scholarship
2013 Arnold Gold Humanism in Medicine Honor Society, inaugural inductee, NYU
2013 APA Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators
2011 Annual Resident Paper Award, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health
2010 Department of Psychiatry Kenneth E. Appel Award, Penn Med Graduation
2010 Russell J. Stumacher, M.D Memorial Prize for Medical Arts and Letters (Penn)
2009 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, Student Conference Fellowship
2008 Soros Documentary Photography Project Grant, Open Society Institute
2007 Bellet Scholarship, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics
2005 Paul Ambrose Political Leadership Institute, AMSA, Washington DC
2004 Reach Out ’56 Foundation Fellowship, via Princeton University’s Class of 1956
2004 Priscilla Glickman ’92 Mem. Prize for Community Service (Princeton graduation)
2004 Spirit of Princeton Award
2002 Class of 1978 Foundation International Service Grant; Fred Fox ’39 Community Service Grant; Class of 1995 Summer Service Grant
2001 Princeton University President’s Grant for International Service
2000 United States President’s Student Service Award
Academic Service
2020- Rutgers-FORE Foundation Stakeholder Advisory Board, member
2020- APA Committee on Quality and Performance Measurement, member
2020-2022 NYC DOHMH Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Advisory Group,
funded by CDC (Starrels, PI), member
2020-2021 NIDA CCTN Methadone Access Research Task Force, member
2019- OASAS Medical Advisory Group, New York State, member
2019-2020 National Quality Forum (NQF) technical expert panel (TEP) on the opioid
epidemic, member, created from the 2018 Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that
Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) Act
2019-2021 APA Technical Expert Panel: quality measure development for OUD, member
2019 APA, Expert Work Group: quality of life outcomes for SUD treatment, facilitated
by Mathematica, member
2019-2021 DSMB, Naltrexone Depot Study, funded by NIDA (Bisaga, PI), member
2017-2018 APA, Quality Improvement Workgroup, Invited guest
2014-2016 APA, GAP, Addiction Committee, Invited guest
2012-2014 NYU Department of Population Health, affiliate, Division of Medical Ethics
2013-2014 Resident Safety Committee, NYU Department of Psychiatry Residency Program
2013-2014 Bellevue Hospital Special Review Committee, member
2010-2014 NYU Center of Excellence on Addiction, member
- Scattergood Program of Applied Ethics of Behavioral Health, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, program associate
2006-2007 Food & Nutrition Advisory Group, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, member
2005-2006 North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition, treasurer and grant writer
Professional Organizations, Societies:
Memberships and Positions
2019- Director, New York Region, Am. Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
2017- College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)
2015- FASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
2013- American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
2009- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
2009- Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists (AGLP)
2005- Humanity in Action (HIA), senior fellow
2005-2011 American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH)
2005-2010 American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
2024 Kennedy Forum, expert advisor on opioid use disorder and measure development
2023 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Opioid Collaborative, member
2021 National Quality Forum (NQF) Opioid and Behavioral Health Committee, content expert on treatment of OUD and Behavioral Health, funded by USDHHS Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) under contract HHSM-500-2017-00060I –75FCMC20F0002.
2020 Pew Charitable Trusts, content expert on OTPs
2018 IBM Watson Health for the United States Assistant Secretary of Health (ASPE Office), content expert on treatment of OUD
2018 NIDA Clinical Trials Network, expert lecturer
2018 NIH HEAL Initiative, expert lecturer
2017 SAMHSA CSAT, expert lecturer
2015-2017 National Clinical Lead for Expansion of Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorders, National Council for Behavioral Health (NCBH), funded by Open Society Foundation and administered through the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
2015 Lecturer for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and administered through the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
2007 Philadelphia Department of Public Health Transition Team for Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia, committee member
2006-2007 Michael Nutter for Mayor campaign, health policy research assistant
2005-2006 United Community Clinic, West Philadelphia, HIV/AIDS Coordinator
2006 City of Philadelphia City Council Hearing on Childhood Obesity, organizer
2005-2006 Breathe Free Philly (smoke-free) citywide campaign, co-coordinator
Journal Reviewer
2015- JAMA Psychiatry, New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, Addiction, Health Affairs, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Psychiatric Services, Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Substance Use and Misuse, Translational Psychiatry, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health
Journal Editorial Board
2020- American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Corporate Experience
2019- Medical Director, Ophelia Health, Inc. a telehealth buprenorphine provider for
individuals with Opioid Use Disorder providing high quality remote care for patients in Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, and Florida
Fellowship and Grant Support
Ongoing Research Support
R01 DA059042-01 (Williams) 6/01/2023 -3/31/2028
“The OUD Cascade of Care and Critical Outcomes: Longitudinal Linkage with Opioid Use”
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
R01 DA057566-01 (Williams, Hadland) 9/01/2022 – 8/31/2027
“Identifying Disparities in the Cascade of Care for Medicaid-Enrolled Youth with Opioid Use Disorder”
Role: Principal Investigator (MPI)
NIDA Clinical Trials Network 0112 (PI: Williams) 07/01/20-2/28/2025
“Optimizing Policies To Improve Methadone Maintenance Adherence Long-term”
The OPTIMMAL study evaluates opioid treatment programs (OTPs) across the country and how
loosed regulations following COVID impacted retention and drug use outcomes.
Role: Lead investigator
R01 DA057568-01 (Crystal) 09/01/2022 – 08/31/2027
“Improving MOUD Access, Opioid-Related Outcomes and Equity Among Medicare
Beneficiaries with Disability”
Role: Co-Investigator
R01 DA046430 (Bisaga) 08/01/2020 – 06/30/2026
“Efficacy of buprenorphine and XR-naltrexone combination for relapse prevention in opioid use disorder”
Role: Principal Investigator (PI), sub-award
TI-18-004 Subaward (PI: Williams) 07/01/20-12/31/2024
“Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care Toolkit”
Funded by the ORN, formerly the STR/SOR efforts to ensure the provision of evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery support programs/services across all states and territories
Role: PI
TI-18-004 Subaward (PI: Levin) 2/1/2018-1/31/2024
FY 2018 Opioid State Targeted Response Technical Assistance (STR TA)
The goal of this project is so provide technical assistance and necessary support to State Targeted Response (STR) grantees to ensure the provision of evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery support programs/services across all states and territories that received STR grants.
Role: Co-Investigator/paid on consortium to RFMH, Inc.
1UG1DA050071-01 (Elkington, Nunes, Wainberg) 7/15/19 – 4/30/2024
Facilitating Opioid Care Connections: System level strategies to improve use of MAT and movement through the opioid care cascade for defendants in a new Opioid Court system.
In this proposal we will leverage the unique, real-time, scale-up of a new opioid court model (OCM) to address a critical public as well as correctional health problem by developing and evaluating an implementation intervention (OCM RISE), designed to build cross-system partnerships to permit development of generalizable yet tailored strategies that allow the OCM to be scaled up across a variety of contexts.
Role: Co-Investigator
Past Support
K23 DA044342-01 (Williams) 8/15/2017-1/31/2023
“Improving the treatment cascade of MAT initiation and retention for opioid use disorder”
Role: Principal Investigator
R21 DA045267 (Williams) 9/1/2018-6/30/2021
“Medical Marijuana Program Participation and Changes in Controlled Substance Use”
Role: Principal Investigator
UG1 DA013035-15 (Rotrosen & Nunes) 09/01/99- 05/31/2020
Clinical Trials Network: Greater New York Node
The overall aim is to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of new therapies for substance dependence through multisite trials conducted in “real world” community-based treatment settings, to disseminate these treatments and foster their appropriate use, and to understand the problems that may interfere with the successful adaptation of newer treatments.
Role: Co-Investigator
R01MH102161-02 (Rabkin)
Return to work RCT: Counseling after fatigue treatment in HIV/AIDS.
Role: Co-Investigator
H79 TI025937-02 (Levin)
Training Medical and Dental Studies in SBIRT
Role: Co-Investigator
5T32DA007294-23 (Levin) 07/01/14-07/01/17
Research Fellowship Training
The Division on Substance Abuse of the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and the New York State Psychiatric Institute established a 2-year postdoctoral program that focuses on training physicians for research careers in substance abuse.
Role: Post-Doctoral Trainee (Mentors: Olfson, M, Bisaga A, Nunes, EV, Levin FR)
Prior Fellowship and Grant Funding
2005- 2010 Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholar, national recipient (for MD/MBE)
2009 Kynett FOCUS Women’s Health Fellowship, fMRI evaluation of Sex difference in brain response to anti-smoking PSAs, University of Pennsylvania
2007- 2009 Research Assistant to Joanna Starrels MD, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Fellow, Systematic review on prevalence & efficacy of opioid urine tox screens and drug contracts. Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine; 2. Focus-group study on antibiotics usage among street-level drug injectors
2008 Active Minds Emerging Scholar Fellowship, Scattergood Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
2006 Bridging the Gaps Community Medicine Summer Fellowship, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2003 Derian Fellowship, Syringe Deregulation and State Policy Reform, Community
Based Learning Institute, Princeton University
Educational Contributions:
2017- present Lecturer, Cornell Psychiatry Residency, PGY3 Addiction course
2017- present Lecturer, Columbia Psychiatry Residency, PGY3 Addiction course
2014- present Instructor, seminar on drug addiction and withdrawal syndromes, medical student neuroscience cases, Columbia University College of P&S
2018 Lecturer, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia (Martins)
2015- 2018 Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health (Hasin)
2015- 2018 SBIRT didactics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
2015- 2017 Instructor, Psychiatric Medicine SBIRT didactics, Columbia Univ College P&S
2015 Rockland State Psychiatric Hospital, Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds
2009 The Body in Photography, Evening Seminar, Swarthmore College, PA
2008 Guest Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, Graduate course
Through the Artist’s Eye: Medicine, Power, and the Meaning of Illness
2008 Co-leader, seminar on drug addiction and withdrawal syndromes, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, MS2 addiction course.
2008 Embodiment and The Arts, Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania, PA
2007 Drug Policy and Addiction, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Psychiatry Residency, PA
2006 Drug Policy and Addiction, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, PA
2006 How a Bill Becomes a Law and Drug Policy Reform, North Carolina HIV/AIDS
Training Summit, Greensboro, NC.
Specific Courses
2018-2020 Housestaff curriculum (Columbia-Cornell New York Presbyterian system-wide) on responding to the opioid epidemic (60 min webinar with quiz, annually updated), commissioned by the office of the CFO, New York-Presbyterian
2017- Co-Director, NIDA T32 Addiction Psychiatry Fellows weekly seminar, Columbia
2005-2009 Course Director, Physician Advocacy and Social Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, PA
Original, Peer Reviewed Articles
- Ussery E, Rennick M, Vivolo-Kantor A…Williams AR, Seth P (2024). Developing a cascade of care framework and surveillance indicators to monitor linkage to and retention in care for substance use disorder. Pub Health Reports; In press.
- Williams AR, Henry B, Krawczyk N, et al (2024). Harmonizing a Taxonomy for the OUD Cascade of Care. AJDAA, Under review.
- Williams AR, Mauro CM, Chiodo L… Olfson M (2023). “Buprenorphine Treatment and Clinical Outcomes under the OUD Cascade of Care: A Cohort Study.” Drug & Alcohol Depend, Under review.
- Xu K, Gertner AK, Greenfield SF, Williams AR, Gruzca RA (2024). Treatment Setting and Buprenorphine Discontinuation: An Analysis of Multi-State Insurance Claims. Addict Sci and Clin Practice, Mar 16;19(1):17. doi: 10.1186/s13722-024-00450-0. PMID: 38493109; PMCID: PMC10943881.
- Williams AR, Rowe C, Minarik L, Gray Z, Murphy SM, Pincus HA (2024). Use of in-network insurance benefits is critical for improving retention in telehealth-based buprenorphine treatment. Health Affairs Scholar. Jan 30;2(3):qxae009. doi: 10.1093/haschl/qxae009. PMID: 38450044; PMCID: PMC10914333.
- Carter E, Schatz D, Garcia J, … Williams AR (2024). Modeling an Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care in a Large Public Health System. Am J Drug Alc Abus; Mar 3;50(2):181-190. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2302500. Epub 2024 Feb 22. PMID: 38386810.
- Williams AR, Mauro CM, Huber B, Chiodo L, Crystal S, Samples H, Olfson M (2024). Defining Discontinuation for Buprenorphine Treatment: Implications for Quality Measurement. Am J Psych; May 1;181(5):457-459. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.20230808. PMID: 38706334.
- O’Grady MA, Elkington KS, Robson G, Achebe IY, Williams AR, Cohall AT, Cohall R, Christofferson M, Garcia A, Ramsey KS, Lincourt P, Tross S (2024). Referral to and engagement in substance use disorder treatment within opioid intervention courts in New York: a qualitative study of implementation barriers and facilitators. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2024 Jan 29;19(1):12. PMID: 38287329; PMCID: PMC10826099.
- Tipping A… Williams AR et al (2023). Buprenorphine and risk of psychiatric hospitalization in those with opioid use disorder and comorbid psychiatric disorders: A cohort study. Under review.
- Tipping A… Williams AR et al (2023). Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Are Associated with Reduced Risk of Repeat Opioid Overdose in Medicaid: A Cohort Study. Journal of Substance Use & Addiction Treatment. In press.
- Xu K, Huang V, Williams AR, et al (2023). Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders and Disparities in Buprenorphine Utilization in Opioid Use Disorder: An Analysis of Administrative Claims Data. Drug and Alc Depend Rep; Vol 9, 100195.
- Williams AR, Krawczyk N, Hu M, Harpel L, Aydinoglo N, Cerda M, Rotrosen J, Nunes EV (2023). Retention and Critical Outcomes among New Methadone Maintenance Patients Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Policy Reforms. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023 Dec 4;28:100636. doi: 10.1016/j.lana.2023.100636. PMID: 38152421; PMCID: PMC10751716.
- Williams AR, Rowe C, Gallagher R, Aronowitz SV, Diamond-Reivich J, Bisaga A (2023). Urine Drug Screening in a Telehealth Setting for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Health Forum, 7;4(7):e232247. PMID: 37505489; PMC10383010.
- Bunting, A.M., Shearer, R., Linden-Carmichael, A., Williams, A.R., Comer, S., Cerda, M., & Lorvick, J (2023). “Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Defining what we mean by ‘polysubstance use.’” Am J Drug Alc Abus; September 21, 2023. doi: 1080/00952990.2023.2248360
- Williams AR, Aronowitz S, Gallagher R, Behar E, Bisaga A (2023). Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, Retention, and Disparities by Race and Geography. Am J Drug Alc Abus, Mar 4;49(2):260-265. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2023.2180382. Epub 2023 Mar 24. PMID: 36961998.
- Samples H, Nowels M, Williams AR, Olfson M, Crystal S (2023). Buprenorphine after non-fatal opioid overdose: Reduced mortality risk in Medicare disability beneficiaries. Am J Prev Med; March 10, 2023;
- Williams AR, Aronowitz S, Gallagher R, Behar E, Gray Z, Bisaga A (2023). A Virtual-First Telehealth Treatment Model for Opioid Use Disorder, J Gen Int Med; 2023 Feb;38(3):814-816. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07955-x. Epub 2022 Dec 1. PMID: 36456841; PMCID: PMC9714767.
- Williams AR, Mauro CM, Feng T, et al (2022). Performance Measurement for Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Retention in Care. Am J Psych, Jun 1;180(6):454-457. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220456. PMID: 36285405; PMCID: PMC10130230.
- Williams AR (2022). “MOUD saves lives, especially after 60 days, and the longer the better.” Addiction. Dec;117(12):3089-3090. doi: 10.1111/add.16043. PMID: 36100579; PMC9633431.
- Williams AR, Mauro CM, Feng T, Waples J, Martins SS, Haney M (2022). Adult Medical Cannabinoid Use and Changes in Prescription Controlled Substance Use. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2022 Apr 29. doi: 10.1089/can.2021.0212. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35486854.
- Williams AR, Johnson K, Thomas CP, Henry B, Horgan C, et al (2022). OUD Cascade of Care Framework Designs: A Roadmap. Subst Abus, 43(1):1207-1214. PMID 35657670; PMC9577537.
- Samples H, Williams AR, Crystal S, Olfson M (2021). Patterns of Psychosocial and Behavioral Therapy Received in Conjunction with Buprenorphine Treatment. J Subst Abus Treat; 2022 Mar 18;108774. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108774. PMID 35337716; PMC9187597.
- Williams AR, Mauro CM, Feng T, et al (2021). Non-Prescribed Buprenorphine Preceding Treatment Entry and Clinical Outcomes for Opioid Use Disorder. 2022 Mar 21;108770. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108770. PMID 35337715.
- Crystal S, Knowels M, Samples H, Olfson M, Williams AR, Treitler P (2021). Opioid Overdose Survivors: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and Risk of Repeat Overdose in Medicaid Patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 232:109269.
- Joudrey P, Bart G… Williams AR, Wu L, Fiellin DA (2021). Research priorities for expanding access to methadone treatment for opioid use disorder in the United States: A National Institute on Drug Abuse Center for Clinical Trials Network Task Force report. Subst Abus, 2021; 42(3):245-254. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2021.1975344. Erratum in: Subst Abus. 2021 Oct 12;1. PMID: 34606426.
- McNeely J, Schatz D, Olfson M, Williams AR (2021). Response to the Opioid Crisis is Hampered by Workforce Shortages. Psychiatric Services, 2021 Sep 15:appips202000565. doi: 10.1176/ Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34521210.
- Crystal S, Knowels M, Olfson M, Samples H, Williams AR, Treitler P (2021). Medically-Treated Opioid Overdoses among New Jersey Medicaid Beneficiaries: Rapid Growth and Complex Comorbidity in a Setting of Growing Fentanyl Penetration. J Subst Abus Treat; 2021 Jun 24:108546. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108546. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34391586.
- Krawczyk N, Williams AR, Saloner B, Cerda M (2021). Who stays in medication treatment for opioid use disorder? A national study of outpatient specialty treatment settings, JSAT, 126(108329):1-11.
- Williams AR (2021). A critical charge for improving opioid use disorder outcomes along the cascade. Am J Drug Alc Abuse; Mar 18, 2021. PMC8114099.
- Elkington KS, Nunes E, Schachar A… Williams AR… Wainberg M (2021). Stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial of a novel opioid court to improve identification of need and linkage to medications for opioid use disorder treatment for court-involved adults. J Subst Abus Treat. January 8, 2021 doi: 1016/j.jsat.2021.108277. PMID 33487516.
- Williams AR (2021). Ethical dilemmas in counseling older adults on cannabis use: Less science, more quandaries. Generations; Winter 2021 44(4).
- Williams AR, Hill KP (2020). In the Clinic© Care of the Patient Using Cannabis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 173(9):ITC65-ITC80. PMID: PMC8148298.
- Rosenthal RN, Welsh JW, Connery HS, Barnett BS, DeVido J, Hill K, Levin FR, Williams AR, Greenfield SF. Advocacy and Public Policy Efforts of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Am J Addict. 2020 Sep;29(5):401-406. PMID
- Williams AR, Levin FR (2020). The Perils of Screening for Illicit Drug Use are a Call to Action for the Mental Health Workforce. JAMA Psychiatry; 77(11)1101-1102.
- Williams AR, Hill KP, Rosenthal RN, Connery HS, Welsh JW (2020). Commentary: Proposed Model State Cannabis Laws to Reduce Harms. Am J Addict. Sep;29(5):426-427. doi: 10.1111/ajad.13088. PMID: 32902047.
- Williams AR (2020). Cannabis as a Gateway Drug for Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics. 48(2):268-274. PMC7359408.
- Bao Y, Williams AR, Schackman B (2020). COVID-19 can change the way we respond to the opioid crisis – for the better. Psychiatric Services; Aug 12:appips202000226. doi: 10.1176/ PMID: 32781928.
- Williams AR (2020). Commentary on Piskeet al. (2020): Medication initiation is key to reduce deaths amid opioid crisis. Addiction, 115(8):1494-1495. PMC7340569.
- Samples H, Williams AR, Crystal S, Olfson M (2020). Impact of long-term buprenorphine treatment on adverse health outcomes in Medicaid. Health Affairs, May;39(5):747-755. PMID PMC7531057.
- Williams AR, Samples H, Crystal S, Olfson M (2020). Acute Care, Prescription Opioid Use, and Overdose Following Discontinuation of Long-Term Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, Am J Psych Feb 1;177(2):117-124. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.19060612. PMID: 31786933; PMCID 7002204
- Tofighi B, Williams AR, Chemi C, Sindhu S, Dickson V, Lee JD (2019). Patient Barriers and Facilitators to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care, Substance Use & Misuse, doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1653324; PMID 31429351.
- Meinhofer A, Williams AR, Johnson P, Schackman B, Bao Y (2019). Prescribing decisions at buprenorphine treatment initiation: Do they matter for treatment discontinuation and adverse opioid-related events? J Subst Abus Treat, 105:37-43. PMID: 31443889; PMCID: PMC6731543.
- Williams AR, Nunes EV, Bisaga A, Levin FR, Olfson M (2019). Development of an Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care to Address the Addiction Treatment Gap. Am J Drug Alc Abuse; (45)1: January 2019. PMID: 30675818; PMCID: PMC6404749.
- Williams AR, Hill KP (2019). Cannabis and the Current State of Treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder. FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry; 17:98-103. doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20180038.
- Williams AR, Nunes EV, Bisaga A, et al (2018). Developing an Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Cascade: A Review of Quality Measures. J Subst Abus Treat;91:57-68.
- Samples H, Williams AR, Olfson M, Crystal S (2018). Risk factors for premature discontinuation of buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorders in a multi-state sample of Medicaid enrollees. J Subst Abus Treat, 2018 Dec; 95:9-17. PMC6354252.
- Williams AR, Santaella-Tenorio J, Mauro C, Levin FR, Martins SS (2017). Loose regulation of medical marijuana programs associated with higher rates of adult marijuana use but not cannabis use disorder. Addiction; 112(11):1985-1991. PMID 28600874, PMC5735415.
- Williams AR, Barbieri V, Mishlen K, Levin FR, Nunes EV, Mariani JJ, Bisaga A. Long term follow up study of community based patients receiving xr-naltrexone for opioid use disorder (2017). American Journal on Addictions; Jun;26(4):319-325. PMID 28328148, PMC5426981.
- Levin FR, Bisaga A, Sullivan MA, Williams AR, Cates-Wessel K (2016). A review of a national training initiative to increase provider use of MAT to respond to the opioid epidemic. American Journal on Addictions; 25(8):603-609. PMID 28051841.
- Williams AR, Bisaga A (2016). From AIDS to opioids- how to combat an epidemic. New England Journal of Medicine; Sept 1;375(9):813-815, 2016. PMID 27579632, PMC5517310.
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Kim JD, Martins SS, Kleber HD (2016). Older, Less Regulated Medical Marijuana Programs Have Much Greater Enrollment Rates. Health Affairs; Mar 1;35(3):480-8. PMC4845727
- Williams AR (2015). Opportunities in Reform: Bioethics and Mental Health Ethics. Bioethics. May;30(4):221-6. PMC4814362
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Galanter M (2015). Assessing and Improving Clinical Insight among Patients in “Denial.” JAMA Psychiatry;72(4):303-4. PMC453897
- Tofighi B, Lee JD, Biary R, Williams AR, Rotrosen J, Grossman E (2014). Six-Month Patient Outcomes After Office-Based Buprenorphine Clinic Disruption During Hurricane Sandy. Substance Use & Misuse; 35(2):200-201.
- Williams AR, Cohen S, Ford E (2014). Statutory definitions of mental illness for involuntary hospitalization as related to substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services May;65(5):634-640. PMID 24430580.
- Williams AR, Tofighi B, Lee J, Rotrosen J, Grossman E (2014). Psychiatric Comorbidity, Red Flag Behaviors, and Associated Outcomes among Office-Based Buprenorphine Patients Following Hurricane Sandy. Journal of Urban Health; Apr;91(2): 366-75. PMID 24619775, PMC3978155.
- Tofighi B, Grossman E, Williams AR, Biary R, Rotrosen J, Lee JD (2014). Outcomes among buprenorphine naloxone primary care patients after Hurricane Sandy. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice; Jan 27;9(1):3. PMID 24467734
- McCormack R, Williams AR, Ross S, Rotrosen J, Goldfrank LR, Caplan AL (2013). Committing to Assessment and Treatment: Comprehensive Care for Patients Gravely Disabled by Alcohol Use Disorders, The Lancet; 382:995-997. PMID 23602314
- Williams AR, Caplan AL (2012). Thomas Szasz: Rebel with a Questionable Cause. The Lancet; October 20,(380):1378-1379. PMID 23091833
- Nordstrom B, Williams AR (2012). Drug Treatment in Criminal Justice Settings. Psych Clinics of North America; 35(2):375-91. PMID 22640761
- Starrels J, Becker W, Alford D, Kapoor A, Williams AR, Turner B (2010). “Systematic Review: Treatment Agreements and Urine Drug Testing to Reduce Opioid Misuse in Patients With Chronic Pain,” Annals of Internal Medicine; 152(11);712-720. PMID 20513829
Book Chapters
- Williams AR (2020). Cannabis Policy and Use. Brady KT, Levin FR, Kleber HD, Galanter M eds. The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Substance Abuse, Sixth Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 2020.
- Williams AR (2018). Performance measures and quality improvement for the opioid epidemic; in Opioid Addiction: An American Crisis, Compton M, Manseau MW eds. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 2018.
- Schulman M, Williams AR, Bisaga A (2018). Management of Opioid Withdrawal; in Opioid Addiction: An American Crisis, Compton M, Manseau MW eds. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 2018.
- Cooper Z, Williams AR (2018). Cannabis and Cannabinoid Intoxication and Toxicity; in Cannabis Use Disorder, Montoya I, Weiss S eds. Springer Publishing Inc.
- Williams AR (2016). Medical and Recreational Marijuana Policy: From Prohibition to the Rise of Regulation; in Marijuana and Mental Health, Compton M ed. American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
- Williams AR, Bogunovic O (2016). Benzodiazepines and sedative hypnotic addiction in the older adult; in Addiction and the Older Adult, Sullivan M and Levin F eds. Oxford University Press.
Original, non-peer reviewed articles
- Williams AR, (2024). From Punishment to Prevention: Revisiting the Failed War on Drugs in the Fentanyl Era. US News & World Report. January 8, 2024.
- Williams AR, Martin S (2023). Maintaining telehealth care is critical for responding to the opioid epidemic. Health Affairs Forefront, April 19, 2023
- Williams AR, Pincus HA (2023). Don’t throw the buprenorphine out with the bathwater! Health Affairs Forefront, February 8, 2023.
- Williams AR (2022). Pivoting from carceral to compassionate approaches to drug policy through new leadership and policy. Health Affairs Forefront, June 01, 2022.
- Williams AR (2021). To Respond to the Opioid Crisis We Must Change the Rules of the Game. Health Affairs Forefront, December 20, 2021.
- Campbell ANC, Williams AR, Nunes EV (2019). Responding to the opioid crisis: Lessons from a Review of Casualties. Psych Services; (70)2: Feb 1, 2019. PMID:
- Johnson K, Williams AR, Chalk M (2018). Making the Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care a reality, despite data limitations. Health Affairs blog, October 23, 2018.
- Williams AR (2018). After Many Years, the FDA Announces Loosened Standards for Addiction Medication Approval. Health Affairs blog, March 23, 2018.
- Williams AR, Bisaga A (2017). The Opioid Commission: Ringing the Right Alarm to Respond to the Opioid Epidemic. Health Affairs blog, August 21, 2017.
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Nunes EV (2017). To battle the opioid epidemic, deploy the ‘Cascade of Care’ model. Health Affairs, Health Policy Lab, March 13, 2017.
- Williams AR (2017). The drug treatment system historically and the challenge of the Affordable Care Act, a systems perspective. Am J Addict; 26(3):234-235.
- Williams AR (2012). Island Time. Blog posting, Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database, New York University. August 15th;
- Williams AR (2011). MyRightSelf. Blog posting, Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database, New York University. December 21st;
- Williams AR (2009). Transgender Considerations: A Clinical Primer for the Generalist Working with Trans and LGB Patients, 30-page booklet, 5,000 copies printed/distributed.
- Williams, A.R. (2009). Making Images, Ars Medica, 5(1), pp. 119-122; reprinted (2011) in Crawford, A. et al eds. Bodies and Soul: Narratives of Health from Ars Medica. University of Toronto Press.
- Williams AR, Langleben DD (2009). The Sunny Side of an Underwater Mortgage: A Look at the Neurobiology of Social Cooperation. Science Progress, June 9, 2009.
- Williams AR (2004). Crisis of Neglect: New Jersey’s Refusal to Allow Needle Exchange Harms Everyone. Op-Ed, The Newark Star-Ledger, August 29, 2004.
- Williams, AR (2004). State policymaking and syringe deregulation: The determinants of successful reform. Princeton University senior thesis. 140 pages.
Invited and Peer-Selected Oral Presentations:
- Hsu K, Williams AR, Das S, Hill K (2023). Diagnosis and treatment of cannabis use disorder and other cannabis-related problems. AAAP National Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 2023.
- Lin AL, Weintraub E, Williams AR, Griffin J (2023). Innovations in telehealth for opioid use disorder treatment: Enhancing access and quality of care. AAAP National Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 2023.
- Williams AR, Martin S, Clark K, Samuels E. Virtual Care for Treating Opioid Use Disorder: How Telehealth-Based Opioid Treatment Improves Access and Outcomes for People in Underserved Locations. Rx Summit national conference, Atlanta
- Williams AR, Behar E, Aronowitz S (2022). Training the Next Generation of Clinicians to Combat the Opioid Crisis. NCQA, National Conference Washington DC, November 2022.
- Williams AR (2022). Optimal Policies to Improve Methadone Maintenance Adherence Longterm. CPDD, Minneapolis, MN, June 2022.
- Gorelick D, Hill KP, Williams AR. Medical Cannabis: Is this bud for you? APA national conference, New Orleans, LA; June 2022.
- Levin FR, Yule A, Williams AR, Mintz C (2022). The Fourth Wave of the Opioid Crisis: Scope of the Problem and Evidence Based Interventions. APSARD national meeting, Tuscon AZ (remote), January 2022.
- Marcovitz D, Maruti S, DePhillippis D, Williams AR (2021). Outcome Measures in Addiction Psychiatry. AAAP National Conference (virtual), December 2021.
- Wiley T, Taxman F, Williams AR, Knight D, Elkington K, Dennis M (2021). JCOIN Speaker Series: Cascade of Care and Practical Applications, hosted by NIDA JCOIN and the Addiction Policy Forum, April 16, 2021.
- Das S, Hill KP, Williams AR (2021). Cannabis and Mental Health: Clearing the Smoke. Jointly held by APA and AAAP, April 8 and April 15 2021.
- Marcovitz D, Maruti S, DePhillippis D, Williams AR (2020). Outcome Measures in Addiction Psychiatry. AAAP National Conference (virtual), December 2020.
- Williams AR, Hill KP, Sevingy E (2019). Medical cannabinoids: Opportunities and Pitfalls (2019). Aetna Annual Behavioral Health Summit (by invitation of CMO Mark Friedlander), Hartford CT, October 2019.
- Williams AR, Samples H, Crystal S, Olfson M (2019). Long-term buprenorphine treatment for OUD and adverse events following discontinuation among Medicaid beneficiaries. AHSR, Park City Utah, October 2019.
- Gorelick D, Hill KP, Williams AR. Medical Cannabis: What Psychiatrists Should Know. APA, San Francisco, May 2019.
- Williams AR, Levin FR. Quality Improvement for the Opioid Epidemic. NYASAM, New York City, New York, February 2019.
- Williams AR, Bisaga A, Nunes EV. Development of an Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care to improve responses to the opioid epidemic. AAAP, Bonita Springs, Florida, December 2018.
- Gorelick D, Hill KP, Williams AR. Medical Cannabis: What Psychiatrists Should Know. APA, New York City, May 2018.
- Galanter M, Hurley B, Olsen Y, Williams AR. Quality Improvement: A Systems-Based Approach, ASAM, San Diego, April 2018.
- Williams AR, Santaella-Tenorio J, Mauro CM, Levin FR, Martins SS. The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws and Regulations on Prevalence of Marijuana, CPDD, Montreal, June 2017.
- Williams AR. How to Realign the Drug Treatment System under the ACA in Response to the Overdose Epidemic, Workshop, National Council for Behavioral Health, Seattle, April 2017.
- Williams AR, Szubiak N. Using MAT to treat Opioid Use Disorder, Workshop, National Council for Behavioral Health, Seattle, April 2017.
- Williams AR, Galanter M, Hansen H, Bisaga A. How to Realign the Drug Treatment System under the ACA in Response to the Overdose Epidemic, Symposium, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) Annual Meeting, Florida, December 2016.
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Kim JD, Martins SS, Kleber HD. Older, Less Regulated Medical Marijuana Programs Have Much Greater Enrollment Rates. International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP), Cannabis Summit, NYU. New York City, April 17-18, 2016.
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Kim JD, Martins SS, Kleber HD. Older, Less Regulated Medical Marijuana Programs Have Much Greater Enrollment Rates. International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM), International Congress, Dundee, Scotland, Oct, 2015.
- Ford E, Williams AR, Cohen S. Legal Definitions of Mental Illness: Are They Outdated? Workshop, Institute for Psychiatric Services (IPS) Annual Conference, NYC, Oct 2012.
- Ross SJ, Williams AR, McCormack R, Badaracco M. Involuntary Commitment for Grave Substance Use Disorders: The Chronic Public Inebriate Initiative at Bellevue Hospital Center. Innovative Program, Institute for Psychiatric Services (IPS) Annual Conference, New York City, October 2012.
- Williams AR. Transsexualism, Personality Disorders, and Spinal Cord Injury, Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists (AGLP) Annual Meeting, May 2011.
- Williams AR. The Photographic Portrayal of Suffering. American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., October 2009.
- Williams AR. The Photographic Portrayal of Suffering. American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH) Annual Conference, October 2008.
- Williams AR. (China) White Lies: Media Coverage, Law Enforcement, and Overdose Death. Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC) National Conference, November 2008.
Academic Posters and Published Abstracts
- Williams AR, Krawczyk, Harpel L, Aydinoglo N, Hu M, Rotrosen J, Nunes EV. Impact of Covid-Related Policy Changes on Retention and Adverse Events amongst New Methadone Maintenance Intakes. Jun 2023. Poster presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence: Denver, CO.
- Samples H, Kennelly N, Williams AR, Olfson M, Crystal S. Prescription opioid tapering patterns prior to discontinuation of long-term, high-dosage treatment episodes among adult Medicaid enrollees. Jun 2023. Poster presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence: Denver, CO.
- Williams AR, Aronowitz S, Gallagher R, Behar E, Gray Z, Bisaga A (2021). A Novel Telehealth Model for Improved Retention in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment. CPDD national meeting; Minneapolis MN; June, 2022.
4. Williams AR, Mauro CM, Feng T, et al (2021)… Non-Prescribed Buprenorphine Preceding Treatment Entry and Clinical Outcomes for Opioid Use Disorder. AHSR national conference, Providence, October, 2021.
5. Williams AR, Samples H, Crystal S, Olfson M. Long-term buprenorphine treatment for OUD and adverse events following discontinuation among Medicaid beneficiaries. AHSR national conference, Park City Utah, October, 2019.
6. Meinhofer A, Williams AR, Johnson P, Schackman B, Bao Y. Prescribing decisions at buprenorphine treatment initiation: Do they matter for treatment discontinuation and adverse opioid-related events? AHSR, Park City Utah, October, 2019.
- Williams AR, Wilson A, Olfson M, Chiodo LM (2019). Drug use correlates and buprenorphine adherence among patients with OUD in a multi-state outpatient clinic system. AHSR, Park City Utah, October, 2019.
- Samples H, Williams AR, Olfson M, Crystal S. Risk Factors for Premature Discontinuation of Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder among Medicaid Enrollees. Poster presentation, Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA. 2018.
- Samples H, Williams AR, Olfson M, Crystal S. Risk Factors for Premature Discontinuation of Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder among Medicaid Enrollees. Poster presentation, The Opioid Tsunami: Prevention, Partnerships in Opioid Management, and Current Issues; Annual Isabel Maitland Stewart Conference on Research in Nursing, NEAA, New York, NY. 2018.
- Mauro PM, Santaella-Tenorio J, Mauro CM, Nourmohammadi N, Williams AR, Martins SS. Medical marijuana laws and state substance use disorder treatment, 2004-2013. CPDD Annual Meeting, 2017.
- Williams AR, Olfson M, Kim JD, Martins SS, Kleber HD. Older, Less Regulated Medical Marijuana Programs Have Much Greater Enrollment Rates. AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference, Washington DC, January 2017.
- Williams AR, McMahon K, Bennett-Penn L, Goldfeld K, Olfson M. Associations between cognitive and clinical insight among psychotic and dually diagnosed inpatients. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP), Annual Meeting, Aventura Florida, December, 2014.
- Starrels J, Becker W, Alford D, Kapoor A, Williams AR, Turner B. Systematic Review: Treatment Agreements and Urine Drug Testing to Reduce Opioid Misuse in Patients With Chronic Pain. Society for General and Internal Medicine (SGIM) Conference, May 2009.
- Williams AR. Psychiatric sequelae among buprenorphine-naloxone primary care patients after Hurricane Sandy. Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators, Poster, American Psychiatric Association (APA) Annual Meeting, May 2013.
- Tofighi B, Lee J, Williams AR, Biary R, and Grossman E. Outcomes among Buprenorphine-naloxone primary care patients after Hurricane Sandy, Poster, Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) National Conference, April 2013.
- Williams AR, McCormack R, Ross S. Committing to Treatment: The Use of “Involuntary” Inpatient Addiction Services for Patients with Grave Substance Use Disorders. Resident Poster Competition, American Psychiatric Association (APA) Annual Meeting, May 2012.