International Overdose Awareness Day
We are sharing the information below on behalf of our colleagues at the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
International Overdose Awareness Day is coming up August 31. To mark the date, the State of Tennessee and its community partners are holding trainings on overdose reversal. The medication known as naloxone (brand name Narcan) is an easy-to-use overdose antidote. This training is good for people at risk of an overdose, their loved ones and friends, and also for employees and managers who work in settings where overdoses can occur: gas stations, restaurants, hotels, retail centers, construction sites, etc. Click the link to sign up for a training or find a Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist who serves your area at:
Training Dates:
Tuesday, July 26th 1PM, Noon Central
Friday, August 12th 1PM, Noon Central
Wednesday, August 31st, Noon Easter, 11AM Central
Get more information about an upcoming TN Save a Life Training