A Message from the President: Daniel D Sumrok, MD, FAAFP, DFASAM, ABPM, ABAM
Greetings TNSAM members,
There has never been a more important or exciting time to bring your expertise, experience, and skills to the emerging field of Addiction Medicine. There are high expectations facing us as pioneers and innovators while a pandemic has isolated us from each other and as overdose deaths have soared in Tennessee and across the country.
It has often been pointed out that connection is the opposite of addiction and the current challenges highlight the need Humans have for each other. We have every expectation and hope that we will be able to gather again safely soon.
Ancient wisdom tells us that crises are also opportunities. Our intent is to seize opportunities to build credibility and strength that we might better serve.
Your society intends to create a place of connectivity and safety as we all explore the latest evidence in the four missions of treatment, research, education, and community outreach we all embrace.
You are the faces of hope to the public, the press, legislators, law enforcement, academics, and our medical colleagues as more and more light is shed on the important understandings of substance and process disorders and their impacts on our communities.
We count ourselves blessed to work the trials we face as we assemble your expertise here.
It is not the intent to speak with a single voice but rather to build strength and reassure all stakeholders that we remain tireless and committed to the pursuit of excellence in our specialty.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in that mission by providing this high-quality forum.
Alone we are raindrops but as a group, we are a powerful force that brings and nurtures new growth and light. Hope and quality care will be our product.
President Tennessee Society of Addiction Medicine